The Thinking Problem

Didn’t know how bad it was until I was on the other side.

I retreated to my head for an explanation and the path out.
I was never in the present – I was either ruminating on the past or fearing the future.

Being present is to know what I need at the moment.”

And, I came to realize (in a moment of clarity) that faith & perhaps hope would get me out of my own head and allow for the connection to something else, something greater.

This started in the connections I get through talking to others and is strengthened by listening to what they share — their experiences, their pain, their positivity, and their energy.

Thinking was my problem too – overthinking, underthinking, wrong thinking – thinking that drinking would solve my problems as well.

That thinking just kept pushing the problems down the road to come roaring back over me another day.

That thinking just created new problems that only compounded the challenge of dealing with the earlier ones.

That thinking was just my own internal echo chamber telling me I could figure this out on my own — until I came to believe the thinking of others who had stepped out of their own chamber and started on the road to a better life.

Don’t think, let another drive.

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